WP4 Feasibility studies

Led by Quatorze with the involvement of UJML, UVEG and UGOT

WP 4 consists in carrying out a feasibility study in three countries: France, Spain and Sweden.

The first objective is to conceptualize three different pilots in three different situations which will aim to provide an accommodation for newcomers but also enable third country nationals and locals to meet.

The three developed solutions will fit the local context, ie: local integration policies and urban morphology, but also follow the same common important characteristics. Both context specific and common characteristics of the pilots will be directly inspired by the results of WP3 and the good practices which were highlighted, particularly in terms of business models, participation processes and architectural answers.

Three specifications will be written to state the precise requirements that will need to be followed by the different actors during the implementation phase.

These specifications will especially detail the legal framework, the role and responsibilities of every stakeholder, the objectives of the social work and give guidelines for the architectural design process.