Universitat de València
The University of Valencia (UVEG) is a five-century old university research-oriented and teaching in all scientific fields (social, economic, and legal sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, health sciences, educational sciences and the humanities).
UVEG interdisciplinary team involved in the MERGING project is formed by researches from the Social Sciences Faculty, experts in the social inclusion of refugees and migrants, and also from the Institute of Local Development, which is a research centre specialised in the theory and practice of local development in its broadest sense. One of its areas of expertise is in social cohesion, focused in fostering human development in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion by means of community-based interventions. Main research interests are migration, refugees, social equity, social precariousness and vulnerability, urban planning and social sustainability.

Carles X. Simó Noguera
WP2 Leader. Professor and researcher in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

Ana Sales Ten
PhD in social Sciences. Social cohesion, migration, cultural diversity and human rights

Jordi Giner Monfort
Associate professor. PhD in Sociology

Jorge Velasco Mengod
Graduated in Sociology and Political Science at the University of València. Master’s Degree in Social Research at the Complutense University of Madrid

Alicia Bañuls Millet
Law degree from the University of Valencia. PhD student

Daniel Millor Vela
Architect from the University of Alicante, works as a co-director at the NGO Quatorze

Isis M. Sánchez Estellés
PhD in Sociology at the University of Essex

David Gil Solsona
PhD Student. Sociologist and Political Scientist

Elvira Mondragón García
PhD Student at Universitat de València. Graduated in sociology

Joan A. Romero Crespo
PhD Student at Universitat de València. Graduated in sociology

Julia Salom Carrasco
Doctorate in Geography, professor. Economic Geography and Regional and Urban Development

María Dolores Pitarch Garrido
Director of the Inter-University Institute for Local Development. Associate Professor of Geography