Yurt inauguration

Yurt inauguration

08:33, 22 May 2024

20 June 2024 - 18h (postponed)

The Foyer Notre Dame des Sans-Abri is pleased to invite you to :

The inauguration of the hosting site 


173 rue Bataille, Lyon 8th district

Thursday June 20, 2024 - 6pm

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Le Foyer inaugurates its new hosting site and solidarity third-place. Designed in partnership with the Quatorze association and Jean Moulin University, it is intended to welcome people in exile in Lyon's 8th arrondissement.

Evening program :

6pm: Welcome

6:15pm: Official speeches

7pm: Tour of the site

7:15pm: Buffet

Exhibitions and participative works

8pm: Concert

Please confirm your attendance by filling in the form below.


We look forward to seeing you.

Marion Véziant-Rolland                                                        Amaury Dewavrin

Director                                                                                 President

La Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abri






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