
Synthetic presentation of the pilot: see the document


28 February 2024

Organisation of a collaborative workshop around the pilot "creating climate smart housing& areas on the water" which aims to share views about a future living floating lab in Gothenburg, with representatives of the municiplity and the civil society. It is also the opportunity to conduct interview to evaluate

workshop invitation

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September 2023

The opening of Anna to the public for the final days of the Prototyp Göteborg festival was a success, as we’ve had the occasion to host around 60 people along the three afternoons the house was opened. It has also been the opportunity to gather the contacts of persons interested in the project and its coming developments (about 40 emails collected). These may be the future community we hope to build around the project.

Thanks to the beautiful work done by Karin, a young interior designer appointed by Egnahems Fabriken, the house is almost fully furnished. Everything is second-hand and sourced through the Red Cross whom Karin partnered with. The homy feeling was definitely there and very much helps to appreciate the quality of the different spaces. The overall feedback on Anna is very positive, thank you all for the good work. 

Anna Houseboat Prototyp 2 Anna Houseboat Prototyp 4

Credit photo Quatorze

Summer 2023

ANNA, the prototype is exposed from the 2nd of June to the 3rd of September at the festival prototype Gothenburg happening for the jubilee of the city celebrating the 400 years of existence. It is located next to the marine allotment garden flytevi.

Anna Exhibition

see more details


January 2023

Installation of Houseboat Anna

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December 2022

Progress of the work

MER GOT 202212 HouseAnnaWeb

View outside the living module

 MER GOT 202212 FloatingPlatform


View of the wooden structure mounted on floating elements which will receive the living module

 MER GOT 202212 Inside

View from outside the living module

 MER GOT 202212 ViewHarbour

View of the future parking area of the loating habitat

 MER GOT 202212 RoofAndreas

Andreas, senior builder, explaining the construction and layers of the roof

 ©Quatorze-Nancy Ottaviano, Decembre 2022  


October 2022

News about the pilot in the local press:!umDIjeKLuaHF6fvyK3TZw/

IMG 5175

September 2022

The building process starts for the pilot project of housing for people in exile in Gothenburg, As part of the WP5 coordinated by Quatorze, we are proud and happy to work with Egnahems Fabriken in the Ringön neighbourhood where the existing employment opportunities may allow for real social inclusion leads for the future beneficiaries. For now, let's focus on the building brigades and construction process !

Pilote Gothenburg 1 Pilot Gothenburg 2
 Pilot Gothenburg 3  Pilote Suede 4